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I am Jade Fulton, LinkedIn Guidess here at Jade's Virtual Office Inc.

I work with spiritual coaches & healers who are ready to attract abundance and get more clients on LinkedIn in an authentic, organic way.

Since 2015, I have built two successful businesses using social media marketing: entering the top 2% of Mary Kay Cosmetics, and hitting six figures with my marketing business (in less than 12 months). And have also gone on a deep self development and intuitive journey, including my certification in Reiki Level One and tapping into my Angel's through Tarot & Oracle readings.

Along the way, I tried many icky strategies, like cold DMing, copy/pasting content from AI, and spending entire days online.

And I also tried softer techniques, like waiting for folks to find me/my clients, offering freebies, intuitively creating content without a strategy, etc.

In business today, I have supported 50+ coaches & healers who were feeling overwhelmed and frustrated with the energy suck of LinkedIn, just like you. Now they have a balanced marketing strategy that feels good on the inside, and attracts their Soul Clients.

I am Jade Fulton, LinkedIn Guidess here at Jade's Virtual Office Inc.

Hey there!