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Attract aligned, paying leads with a refreshing
done-for-you profile overhaul.

Enhance Your LinkedIn Profile 

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Getting little to no results from LinkedIn can be so frustrating.

All you want to do is help people with your offer(s), but there are more people in your DMs selling to you than buying from you.

You've fiddled with your profile many times over, but it never feels quite right, and doesn't create consistent income.

Many of my clients are just like you - feeling defeated with the time they spend creating content and building relationships on LinkedIn, without attracting regular, aligned, paying clients.

🌟 Increase organic sales in an authentic way

🌟 Create opportunities to collaborate and grow

🌟 Attract aligned leads who WANT to work with you

🌟 Renew your sales energy & feel good being on LinkedIn again

🌟 Stand out in a a world crawling with AI content and other coaches

Step into the flow
of new leads.

An experience designed for spiritual coaches & healers who are ready to manifest consistent leads.

You will receive a completely new LinkedIn profile that integrates storytelling, your authentic voice, and a clear, simple path for your Soul Client to invest in your offer(s).

As a BONUS GIFT, you will also receive an Intuitive Oracle Message to breakthrough any sales blocks beneath the surface.

Welcome to my Done-For-You LinkedIn Profile Overhaul

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🌟 Have a clear vision of your Soul Client, and the journey they go on with you, but struggle to put it into words on LinkedIn

🌟 Are using (or want to use) LinkedIn as one of your main ways to attract clients

🌟 Have followed advice online and tried updating your profile yourself, but it hasn't given you the energy or results you're looking for

🌟 Desire consistent leads in your inbox

Spiritual Coaches Looking for More Clients on LinkedIn

My LinkedIn Profile Overhaul is for you if you:

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I only accept three profile overhaul projects a month, so you have my full attention and a fast turn around.

The investment for you Done-For-You LinkedIn Overhaul is $699 USD.

Only three steps:

1) Book your profile deep dive call with the button below and receive an automatic email with a questionnaire.

2) Fill out your questionnaire before our call.

3) Receive draft one 14 days after our call.

Invest in Your LinkedIn Growth

Real Testimonial

(Not bs, exaggerated results)

When I first met Jade, I was so "over" LinkedIn. I had spent thousands of dollars on programs, coaches and gurus and still felt like I wasn't seeing any results from the platform. Jade's approach is completely different and it was refreshing. She makes it feel easy and in alignment with who you are, what you believe in and in a way YOU want to show up. I first hired her for a profile review then immediately hired her for the overhaul. I loved all of her suggestions in the review - they made perfect sense but I knew I would never be able to make the changes in a way that would have the impact she mentioned. She captured my voice, my expertise and client perfectly and I have already seen results. Increase reach on my posts, subscribers to my email list, prospects reaching out to me and most of all - I am ENJOYING the platform again!

- Michelle DeNio, Business Strategist

When I first met Jade, I was so "over" LinkedIn. I had spent thousands of dollars on programs, coaches and gurus and still felt like I wasn't seeing any results from the platform. Jade's approach is completely different and it was refreshing. She makes it feel easy and in alignment with who you are, what you believe in and in a way YOU want to show up. I first hired her for a profile review then immediately hired her for the overhaul. I loved all of her suggestions in the review - they made perfect sense but I knew I would never be able to make the changes in a way that would have the impact she mentioned. She captured my voice, my expertise and client perfectly and I have already seen results. Increase reach on my posts, subscribers to my email list, prospects reaching out to me and most of all - I am ENJOYING the platform again!

- Michelle DeNio, Business Strategist